Day 34

  • I am almost done with my Wordpress project and I am supper happy about it. Still needs to add some little tweaks, fix colors, but I did all the heavy lifting. I wanna try custom loops on other wordpress installation and some of the tricks shown by teachers are so awesome (like changing the default WP logo on the login page - it is brilliant move for my future clients’ customization!). I also saw that some students from previous cohort included gif files in they README, which is very clever and eye-catching. I want to do that for Inhabitent;
  • I am vary tired and happy. Today I am ending the 7th week of Web Dev bootcamp and it taught me a lot! I could not even imagine learning this on my onw. In this time. I feel like I have a good starting point for future projects. Which is so nice! Maybe I will even find a job one day…

cheers, Kate